We Care
For all
38.4 Million
Americans With Diabetes

Be An Advocate

Who We Are

The Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition (DPAC) is an alliance of people with diabetes, caregivers, patient advocates, health professionals, diabetes organizations and companies working collaboratively to promote and support public policy initiatives to improve the health of all 38.4 million Americans with diabetes.

Champion With Us

Brown Bag Lunches

Aug 15 – Parents of pWD: class is in session! Register here

An opportunity to come together in a more relaxed lunch and learn style as we hone in on a topic that could use more context - all are welcome.

See Details

Policy Forums

Discussing state political dynamics, skills for effective advocacy, hot topics in diabetes policy and more, we will introduce you to what it means to be a DPAC advocate.

Take Action


Hearing from constituents on the importance of taking action often serves as the push legislators need to take action. Join us and send a letter today!

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Making A

Be An Advocate
Advocacy Events
Average Advocates Added Monthly
Petition Signatures Collected In 2021
Messages Sent In 2021

Our Mission

To ensure quality of and access to care, medications and devices for people living with diabetes; and to educate, inspire and empower patient advocates as well as lawmakers toward meaningful action on diabetes.

Contact Us

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Join the Champion Corps

Want to become more involved with DPAC activities and events?

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