Watch with Us: Congress Hears from Patients about Affordable Drug Pricing

This week, both the House and Senate will tackle the issue of drug pricing- and they’ll be hearing from patients. In a House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing on Wednesday morning at 10am, officials will hear testimony on the drug supply chain, specifically how ‘middle men’ like wholesalers, distributors, and payers impact affordable access to prescription drugs. (Politico)

For the first time, Congress will hear patient voices alongside industry leaders.

David Mitchell, the Founder and President of Patients for Affordable Drugs will present patient stories he has collected, including his own experience with cancer medications, alongside facts and figures on drug pricing at the Wednesday hearing. The Senate also heard from Mitchell on Tuesday, when they reviewed the National Academy of Medicine’s November report on making medicines more affordable. (Politico)Watch the hearing along with us here! Then say what are you hoping will be the outcome from this meeting in the comments below! DPAC will be following along and posting what impact the hearing could have on people with diabetes in the upcoming days.